As your dentist in Orlando, Dr. John E. Russo is here to provide top dental care as well as important information regarding your oral health. That’s why we want you to know about the condition that affects many Americans today — a significant number of whom don’t even realize what’s causing their troubles. It’s called bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding. If you suffer from chronic headaches and notice your teeth showing new signs of wear, you could be suffering from the condition known that affects millions of adults in our country. Keep reading to learn more about the condition, its symptoms, and treatment today.
A number of factors can cause a person to grind their teeth at night. Stress can bring about temporary periods of teeth grinding, so seeking a natural solution can often be the best first step. Meditation, yoga, talking to a therapist, and other lifestyle changes can help with stress-induced teeth grinding. The condition can also be caused by a misaligned jaw. When this is the case, treatment will involve a dental professional.
Because it’s easy enough to live with the symptoms of bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding, people often ignore the condition for far too long. But left untreated, bruxism can have serious consequences on the state of your teeth and even your overall health. Educate yourself on the symptoms of teeth grinding and be prepared to seek a diagnosis and treatment sooner, rather than later.
Symptoms of bruxism include the following.
If you suspect you or a loved one are suffering from bruxism, don’t wait to seek much-needed relief. It’s best for the sake of your teeth — and your sanity.
When you let Dr. Russo know you’re suffering from the symptoms of bruxism, we can evaluate your need for a customized oral device. It’s a mouth guard that you wear only during sleep, and it performs two functions. In addition to stabilizing your jaw to prevent excessive clenching or grinding, it also protects your teeth from the excessive force caused by bruxism. A custom, removable device is a relatively simple solution to a big problem — and one that provides bruxism sufferers (and their partners) with the comfort of a full night’s uninterrupted sleep once again.
Do you suspect you or a loved one are suffering from nighttime teeth grinding? If so, don’t wait to get in touch with your dentist in Orlando. Dr. Russo and his team can help you move beyond the symptoms of bruxism. Contact us to request your appointment today!