Do you wear dentures in Orlando? Do you frequently experience problems with slippage? Maybe they don’t fit like they used to and are causing discomfort. No matter the problem, you want to be confident in your tooth replacement solution, which is why it can be difficult when your dentures are working as they should. Here are some of the most common problems denture-wearers face and tips for improvement.
While dentures can restore the look of your smile, it can be difficult adjusting to this foreign object in your mouth. Over time, you might find that you are experiencing more and more problems with your dentures, leading you to wonder if you made the right decision in the first place. If any of these situations sound familiar, you’re not alone.
If any of the problems listed above apply to you, don’t worry, there are ways you can avoid and/or practice to make it easier to live with dentures. Some useful tips include:
Have you tried all these tips and still not achieving success with your dentures? Not to worry. There is an option that provides a more permanent and stable smile: implant-retained dentures. Just like a regular dental implant, these are surgically placed into your jawbone, providing a secure foundation for your customized dentures.
With implant-retained dentures, you will regain about 70% of your biting force, which will give you back the confidence you need to eat and chew comfortably. While it’s important that you have enough bone density to hold the implants in place, your dentist in Orlando can provide additional options to make implant-retained dentures a possibility.
Apart from having a natural look and feel, some of the additional benefits include:
Don’t keep living with dentures that make you miserable. With implant-retained dentures, you’ll feel more comfortable and confident, keeping you smiling for decades or longer!
Dr. John E. Russo, DMD, earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Central Florida before achieving his dental DMD degree with honors from the University of Florida in 1993. He also earned his Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) from Wright-Patterson Medical Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
Dr. Russo and his team want to help restore your smile. Whether it’s with dentures or implant-retained dentures, we can give you back your smile and have you on your way with increased confidence. For questions about Dr. Russo or how we can help you, contact us via our website or call (407) 470-1224.