Ideally, permanent teeth should last a lifetime. At some point, however, you may have to have a tooth removed due to untreatable decay, injury, or gum disease. Dr. John E. Russo is your go-to dentist in Orlando, Florida, for tooth extraction. These FAQs provide greater insight into the oral extraction process, needs, and benefits.
Dr. Russo may recommend oral extraction for the following reasons:
Extracting a severely decayed or infected tooth will relieve painful symptoms and prevent the infection from spreading to nearby healthy teeth or entering your bloodstream and infecting vital organs. In the case of overcrowding, extracting one or two teeth can improve your alignment and relieve painful chewing. Extractions are generally a last resort for teeth with irreparable damage due to decay, injury, or gum disease.
There are basically two types of extractions: simple extraction and surgical extraction. Both are done under anesthesia to avoid pain. If the tooth is accessible above the gumline, Dr. Russo may use forceps to loosen and pull it out. If the tooth is impacted, he will resort to surgical extraction. This involves making a small incision in your gum, removing any bone covering the tooth, and using forceps to remove the tooth. Dr. Russo will take x-rays of your tooth to determine its position and the depth of its roots to help decide the best way to remove it.
It’s normal to have pain, swelling, or slight bleeding from the extraction site after an oral extraction. The bleeding should stop on its own within 24 hours, and you can take OTC medication to relieve pain or swelling. A blood clot should form in your gum at the extraction site to help heal. Take care not to dislodge this blood clot, which can cause a painful condition called dry socket. Contact Dr. Russo immediately if you have nausea, vomiting, chest pain, or signs of infection.
We’ll give you detailed instructions for post-op care of the extraction site. By following these instructions, you should have no problem with your recovery. The following tips can also help with your recovery:
For safe and effective extraction services in Orlando, FL, contact the John E Russo, DMD team at (407) 470-1224.