Dentures are one of the oldest and most affordable methods used to replace missing teeth. While dentures often have a bad rap for causing slipping and discomfort, now advancements in dentistry have made dentures more comfortable while reducing slipping so you can smile with confidence. As a leading dentist for dentures in Orlando, John E. Russo, D.M.D. Family and Cosmetic Dentistry provides dentures to allow you to restore your smile.
Dentures are removable devices that are used to replace missing teeth—whether due to tooth decay, gum disease or injury. When teeth are lost, you begin to lose bone and gum as the structures supporting the teeth are no longer stimulated. As a result, the facial structure can begin to change, causing your lips to sink in and sagging of the face. In addition, your quality of life decreases as you lose the ability to eat and speak normally. Plus, there is also a huge impact on confidence when you are missing teeth. Dentures resolve all of these issues while adding many additional benefits.
You want to replace your missing teeth to not only improve your confidence and quality of life but to also help support the natural structure of your face. Dentures will resolve any facial structures that have started to sag due to tooth loss. In addition, you’ll stop the pain and discomfort caused by pressure on the gums when trying to chew. This further reduces your risk of developing gum and jaw complications. Well-fitting dentures will let you smile, talk and eat with confidence as they securely stay in place while being removable for easy cleaning and maintenance.
Depending on your exact needs to resolve the areas of missing teeth, you have multiple options available when choosing dentures. For those who are missing all of their teeth on the top or bottom jaw, a full set of dentures will restore your ability to eat and speak while slowing the progression of bone loss. If you’re only missing one or two teeth, you have the option to use partial dentures, which offer the same benefits as full dentures. In some cases, you can even benefit from immediate dentures, which can be provided to you the same day as a tooth extraction.
Due to advancements in dentistry, we are now able to provide a more custom fit when creating dentures. Using new technologies, we are better able to create an ideal fit to reduce slipping and discomfort. We’ll take complete impressions of your mouth and use scans to create perfectly fitting dentures to improve your quality of life while promoting your oral health. With a comfortable, well-fitting set of dentures, you don’t have to hide your smile any longer.
If you’re ready to benefit from a well-fitting set of dentures to smile with confidence, contact the best dentist for dentures in Orlando. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Russo today for exceptional care and quality service for a glamorous smile.