The old saying goes,” Discretion is the better part of valor,” and it couldn’t be truer at this moment. Your friends are great people, but they always get a little aggressive whenever you play touch football. They need a class on what “touch” really means. As you stare at the dog pile before you, you’re glad you didn’t get caught up in it. As the last person gets up, you notice they are holding something in their hands. It’s their teeth! The question now is what do you do in this situation? What if it was you, would you know how to act? Dr. John Russo, your dentist in Orlando, lets you know how to handle yourself in a dental emergency.
What makes a dental emergency different from an everyday toothache? You certainly don’t want to race to the dentist’s office the moment you feel a modicum of pain. Dental emergencies are typically thought of as situations where your teeth or gums have sustained great injury. The key sign is overwhelming pain. If you are experiencing so much dental pain that you cannot focus on anything else, you are probably in the middle of a dental emergency. A few common ones are:
If you find yourself in any of these situations, you need to act quickly.
The first thing you need to do is stay calm. Dental emergencies can be quite traumatic, but staying calm will enable you to focus on getting the care you need. You should immediately call your emergency dentist in Orlando at John E. Russo Family and Cosmetic Dentistry. That way we can make an appointment to see you the same day and advise you on what to do in the moment. It’s best if you put our number in your phone ahead of time so you don’t have to look it up in the middle of an emergency. Another action you can take is to wash out the injured area with warm water. This will help cut down on the risk of infection. Next, if you have a knocked out or broken tooth, try to place it back into your mouth, or in a container of milk if that is not possible. This will help preserve the tooth until we can get to see you. You can use a cold compress to help manage whatever pain you are feeling. If you have experienced any other injuries, such as broken bones, or are bleeding extensively, please go to your local emergency room immediately.
If you want to know any more tips on what to do in the middle of a dental emergency, or how to prevent one altogether, please give us a call. We know we can be there for you during one of your most stressful times and give you the care that you desperately need.